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The area where Gothenburg’s Jubileumsparken is located underwent a significant overhaul for the city’s 400-year-celebration. Despite the celebration itself being pushed back by two years due to the pandemic, Bluet’s floating contribution to the area was delivered on time for the opening celebration in the beginning of June 2023.

The City of Gothenburg was founded in 1621 and if not for a global pandemic, it would have celebrated 400 years as a city in 2021. The celebrations were put on hold for two years to make time for it at a better time and now, in 2023, the celebrations have been in full swing. As part of the anniversary, Jubileumsparken in Frihamnen has been turned into a beautiful public park that embraces the water around the city.

As the original intention to celebrate was to be two years earlier, the Jubileumsparken project underwent two tender phases: one for the initial 2021 celebration, and another for the delayed celebration. Joined in both tenders as the only participant with Serneke and winning the one which then proceeded, we feel we had the trust of Gothenburg to be a part of their big year and create functional and architecturally ambitious dragonfly pools.

Jubileumsparken opening weekend
Jubileumsparken opening weekend, June 2023. Copyright Bluet®


Jubileumsparken air photo
Jubileumsparken new and pre-existing structures, air photo. Copyright City of Gothenburg.

The Jubileumsparken site at Frihamnen already had some existing structures that were to remain, and partially incorporated, into the new pools. The pre-existing sauna stayed as it was, but the public pool was to be incorporated into the larger dragonfly pool construction. The old pool needed to be renovated however, which also fit right in with Bluet’s expertise. The old pool received a new lease on life through both cosmetic and structural renovation, the latter of which included swapping out the pontoons keeping the pool afloat.

The renovated pool is incorporated into the overall floating solutions as one of the four “wings” of the dragonfly. The new sections that Bluet and Serneke built are:

  • an elevated floating middle section with a steel walkway
  • a round natural water pool with a circular steel diving tower
  • a wing with a 25m natural water swimming pool
  • a wing with a sun deck and grandstand

What is structurally significant about the dragonfly pools is the use of specially designed concrete Bluet® Megapontoons, which were used as the base of the harbour pool’s floating platform. The wings of the dragonfly were joined to the center pontoon with flexible couplings to counter natural movement and reduce the load. The Megapontoons used were manufactured by another one of our local collaborators, Aqua Floating Group AB..

The Megapontoons were a remarkable piece of the overall construction in many ways: just in terms of their size and shape, but also in adjoining the new Megapontoons with the pre-existing pontoons of the old pool. Their size and weight required us to ferry them to the site on a submersible barge, as that was the only way to get them there. The largest pontoons even had to be cast on the deck of the barge. The placing of the pontoons was also done with the help of the barge by submerging it on-site, which allowed them to be installed in the water. This was a new way of working for us, but one that we will definitely be utilising in the future as well. as this way didn’t require the large and heavy pontoons to be lifted at all.

Megapontoons on board of Berta
Megapontoons on board of Berta – a huge mobile dry dock that is used for casting and transporting megapontoons. Copyright Serneke.
Jubileumsparken pools
Jubileumsparken pools. Copyright Bluet®

As the pools include a combination of natural water pools and filtered water pools, the pools needed water purification systems and filtering systems, which were planned and constructed by PolyPlan GmbG and PolyCon Gmbh. The Frihamn site has interesting water conditions in that there is a salty water wedge deeper in the harbour water which can be used as the natural water instead of the water on the surface. This was achieved by using water pumps to circulate the water. The existing pool, on the other hand, has a natural purification system that circulates the water through a biofiltration system in the adjacent park. The water is filtered through several layers of gravel to filter it and the microbes in the pond break down the bacteria.

Involvement and dedication deliver results

When the pool project was in the tender phase, we contacted Swedish contractor Serneke and partnered up with them to fulfill the vision for the dragonfly pools. We sought out the best possible local steel construction specialists to partner with already for the tender, as we have found it best to work with local companies to make on-site work as smooth as possible. That formed the basis of our cooperation.

As always, we at Bluet bring in our expertise of floating construction and the solutions that enable the creation of amazing floating construction, while our partner –Serneke – bring their expertise in construction, particularly steel, to the table. In addition to that, we had our collaborator manufacture the pontoons and another to create the water pumping and filtration systems. That way, every party gets to best leverage their expertise, no one is required to work completely outside their comfort zone, and the synergies are ready to be utilised at their best. Bluet’s responsibility is to supervise and make sure all technical details are combined and function within the needed special requirements of floating construction.

Bluet Project Manager, Teresia Wahrman, and Chief Engineer and Co-founder of Bluet, Kimmo Saharinen.

As a total entity undertaking as specialised project as the Jubileumsparken pools were, the resulting whole that we created was an achievement on its own. And that was reflected in the customer feedback as well. We had regular checkpoints with the City of Gothenburg’s project leads, who were specialised and dedicated to this project and likewise, our project leader, Teresia Wahrman, ran the project with dedication. Our solution-oriented method and adapt-and-adjust mentality received high praise, along with the detailed work plans, which took into account everything that goes on at and everyone that is involved with the construction site.

Throughout the project the City was happy with our work and the progress that was made. It is one of the main reasons why it is important we are involved with the project as early as possible, and keep regularly in touch with the customer. That way, all parties get to communicate regularly and both accountability and transparency on progress or problems is maintained from start to finnish.

Cooperation yields great things

Looking back on the project, Teresia thinks the greatest achievement in the project was the cooperation with the main contractor in the spirit of Swedish “samverkan” collaboration method, which is something that fits Bluet’s processes and way of working perfectly. From the start, Bluet had the main responsibility in planning and coordination. 

The cost projection was prepared together with the main contractor and in terms of finding the necessary cost-saving points, close and active cooperation with the client, architects, and other planners was required. And in the end, the result is very close to the architectural vision, and the result also pleases both the client and the architects, as well as visitors.

Now that the Jubileumsparken opening ceremonies are behind us, we’ve set our sights on the horizon. The project was rewarding, and having now worked with both Serneke and Aqua Floating Group for the first time, we can say we have gained new great partners and collaborators for future projects. As a result, we’re already eyeing new projects in the Nordics to undertake with them.

FACTCHECK Jubileumsparken pool project

Where: Gothenburg, Sweden
When: started in spring 2022, opening weekend 2 – 5 June 2023
What: a 1,008 sqm harbour bath with a unique design and three pools, consisting from a total of five floating parts

  1. 8.7m x 24m Middle section with elevated steel walkway
  2. 16m x 46m wing with a renovated 7.7m x 20m public bath with purified freshwater
  3. Ø14.2m round natural water pool with circular Ø20m steel diving tower platform 
  4. 13.6m x 35m wing with 8x25m natural water swimming pool
  5. 9.4m x 27m wing with sun deck and grandstand building, including reused pontoons